As soon as this recipe popped up on, I knew that I had to make it. She only posted it 6 days ago and I have already recreated it in my own kitchen! It …

As soon as this recipe popped up on, I knew that I had to make it. She only posted it 6 days ago and I have already recreated it in my own kitchen! It …
I don’t want to jinx myself, but I am three-for-three with Slow Cooker Sunday this new year. (I probably did just jinx myself, though, as next weekend is my birthday and I will be out …
It has been quite some time since I broke out my slow cooker (it will be 4 months on Christmas to be exact!). I do love my slow cooker, however, and recently made a very …
Here’s that Copycat Wendy’s Chili recipe I promised a few days ago. My pinspiration same from this recipe. I did change it a little, mainly by cutting all ingredients in half. The original recipe is …
One of the benefits of hosting Thanksgiving is all of the delicious leftovers. One can only have so many turkey sandwiches though. After several days of the famous Thanksgiving leftovers sandwich, I couldn’t take it …
So here’s how this recipe came about… Me: I found this great recipe on Pinterest for a lentil chili. What do you think?? My husband: Sounds good. Me: It’s vegetarian though, no meat. My husband: …